The Story of the Name

Naming is a way of claiming existence and taking space.  Naming has power! 

The name ‘Restore Earth Connections’ came into being just over a year ago – in December 2019.

I was sitting in the downtown Chilliwack library mind mapping and playing with words.  I knew that a name would show itself.  I didn’t force it, or push the river – that never works for me anyway!  I wanted to include my beloved Stewart Creek Food Forest (SCFF), of course.  But I didn’t want the name to be limited to being only about the SCFF.  I was forming a larger vision of the possibilities and beginning to make plans!

How about: return, revive . . .?   I wanted it to be inspiring, a call to action in some way.  I also wanted it to be welcoming and inviting.  Of course, it was about the Earth and our connection to the Earth, hmmm.  Getting closer. 

You know that time before you know something?  You can only recognize it after the fact!  Then things drop into place and it is hard to imagine your life before when you didn’t know. 

That’s how it was with this name.  

It wasn’t there and then, voila . . . Restore Earth Connections was born!!  And wow, did it feel right!

Re-storying our connections with the Earth

Connections with the Earth restore us

Restoring the Earth connects us

Connecting with the Earth restores us and the Earth!

Everything IS interconnected! We can make a difference through our relationships with nature.  And our relationships with nature can change us too!


I posted a version of this blog as a post on Instagram and Facebook in early December 2020, as I celebrated the first anniversary of this business.


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Naming is a way of claiming existence and taking space.  Naming has power! 

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