
Welcome to this website for Restore Earth Connections!

I'm super excited to greet you virtually as this website goes 'live'.  While the website is emerging all fresh and new in Spring, like anything that grows, the business of Restore Earth Connections began as a seed. In the Fall of 2019 this seed of an idea began to be ready to sprout (it had had a long germination -- that's a story for another blog post).  In December and January it sent out its first roots (in the form of a business plan, business cards, flyers, marketing, a facebook page, and workshop preparations), all the while nurtured by support from spouse, friends, family, and business coaching.  It began to send up its first green shoot in the form of its first workshop in February (Balm of Gilead Salve Making -- it's an annual workshop, so there's another opportunity next year!)  Then, just as this fledgling business was set to bloom in March  (marketing and preparing to offer 3 workshops: (Jam Making with Frozen Fruit; Climate Change Sharing Circle; and a 5 session Veggie Gardening Basics),  BOOM! 

COVID-19 hit us all like a ton of bricks.  

Now, in April, there is a 'before'  the pandemic altered life as we knew it, and an 'after' -- or rather, an 'in the midst'.  Everything I read and everything I write is held in this context.  And Restore Earth Connections,  a new business, is held in this context.  Like many of you, there are lots of unknowns in this time.  What I do know is that the dream of sharing my passions, discoveries, and skills for growing and preserving food;  caring for the Earth, and each other, is stronger than ever.  

I'm here to support you on your journey -- to offer tools, resources, and companionship, as we move from 'in the midst' into an unknown 'after', knowing that connecting with the Earth restores us; and restoring the Earth connects us; and that every day is Earth Day.

be well and be safe,


PS, the photo is of a Larch tree with lichen in Stewart Creek Food Forest (Spring 2018).  Isn't it gorgeous?


Recent Blog Posts

The Story of the Name
The Story of the Name

Posted on: 22 Apr, 2020

Naming is a way of claiming existence and taking space.  Naming has power! 

The Story of the Logo
The Story of the Logo

Posted on: 22 Apr, 2020

Once upon a time there was a young business that had a name but no logo :(

What's It All About?
What's It All About?

Posted on: 22 Apr, 2020

By now you may be curious as to what Restore Earth Connections

Remembering Dad,   Recognizing Loss
Remembering Dad, Recognizing Loss

Posted on: 22 Apr, 2020

Today is the 3rd anniversary of my Dad's death.  His death day was November

Ahhh, Rain!
Ahhh, Rain!

Posted on: 22 Apr, 2020

That sound!  Can you hear it?  The gentle, lovely pitter patter of rain! 

See All Past Posts